EDMONTON, Alberta – Calgary based oil and gas operator, Finite Resources, has announced the municipal approval of their urban development within the Calgary city limits.

Two months ago, Finite applied for 32 individual surface leases from the City of Calgary, as part of a plan to drill 32 horizontal natural gas wells in the Rocky Ridge & Royal Oak neighborhoods in the city’s deep north west.  The success of this ambitious plan would lead to in-situ residential natural gas sources for the residents of these neighborhoods at a  fraction of the cost of third party providers such as Enmax or ATCO.  The wells will be approximately 2400m deep vertically, with lateral wellbores exceeding 4000m depending on geological structure and fairway analysis after more detailed 5D seismic is completed.

“We have done the geological analysis and we estimate the reserves of natural gas below the city far exceeds previous data.  If we can exploit those reservoirs and point-of-production supply residential energy to adjacent customers, we’re morally obligated to at least try.” – Michael Oxmall, CEO, Finite Resources

Keeping with their pledge to have a low impact on the community during operations, no water trucks will be used to move water to and from the 5 drilling rigs being utilized.  Instead, long hoses and solar powered pumps will be used to move water from the many wetland areas in Rocky Ridge and Royal oak to supply water for drilling and hydraulic fracture completions.  Employees and contractors of the operations will also be housed in temporary camps erected in the nearby WalMart and YMCA parking lots for the 3 year duration of the program.

32 surface locations for the new drilling program

Drilling operations are expected to commence in October, 2021.  If the program proves successful, and production meets P35 projections, step-out drilling programs are already being planned and pre-approved for Tuscany, Arbor Lake, and Hidden Valley.


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