CALGARY, Alberta – In a unique twist of events this week in Calgary, a mysterious laboratory was discovered below the newly constructed Beau Tower, whose chief tenant is Bendovus Energy.
In the Beau Tower parkade close to where the discovery was made
When a series of hairlines concrete cracks were identified in the parking structure below the Beau Tower, engineering firm Phyllis Spick & Associates was called in to assess any possible weakness and determine the risk, if any. Although the cracks were determined to have no effect on the integrity of the building, a shocking discovery was made during concrete core drilling tests. A maze of bunker style, subterranean lab facilities was discovered, and although seemingly still under construction, Dirk Spango from Phyllis Spick was horrified.
Dirk Spango, remaining calm in the reality of the discovery
It was 27 underground floors of future chaos. Beakers and lab equipment, stainless and brass boilers, hospital beds, isolation tents, and what seemed to be adult toys, were found on every floor. I will never get those images out of my head. Ever.
Detailed schematics now show that 27 floors roughly 12000 square feet each were developed with large labs and some living quarters, small kitchens, and lots of shower facilities. Bendovus Energy has been quietly trying to control publicity over the construction, but rumors have surfaced from within the company that the laboratories were designed to aid in researching the effects of everything from sleep deprivation on low-wage field staff, to mind conditioning new employees, to simply figuring out how people interact when locked in rooms together for days on end.
Industry research was also a likely future for the labs, and study of lubricants of different varieties could also be studied intensively in the isolation these labs would have provided. The Calgary Police Service has launched an investigation into how permits were granted for such a facility by the City of Calgary, if there were any at all.
One of the finished lab rooms ready for use
Chief Inspector Tad Ringpole, eager to get to the bottom of The Beau
We had no idea there was a sub level in the Beau Tower, let alone one that big with so many layers. We are determined to get to the bottom of it and how it was done right under our noses without any of our top inspectors catching it. But lets be honest, even though they are the best at what they do, they can’t catch everything.
The future of the facility below the Beau Tower is uncertain at this point. Representatives from Bendovus Energy initially declined to comment, but they are now carefully addressing any press releases regarding the discovery. But fow now, and it is business as usual in the above ground floors for the staff at Bendovus.