This marks the 197th article published by Proved Plus Probable (2P) News dating back to March 3rd, 2013. And to celebrate this odd-numbered milestone, the entire team here at 2P News would like to say thanks, because we couldn’t have done it without you. Well, actually, we could have, but it wouldn’t have been as much fun writing knowing that nobody was reaping the fruits of our labour of love. But seriously, a number of readers, just like you, have submitted ideas for articles and for that we are very grateful.

And it is with great excitement and pleasure that we share with you that a mind-boggling 12 people (on average) visit 2P News everyday. This whopping traffic (that is only 3rd to Google and Facebook) has launched 2P News to superstar status in the oil and gas news publishing industry. We 2P News editors now walk around town as though we are rockstars, signing autographs, shaking hands, kissing babies, with groupies in tow, and paparazzi in chase. Thank you.

2013 has seen some interesting developments in the oil and gas industry, from Mayor Nenshi creating a municipal oil and gas royalty, to a consortium of downtown Calgary PNG companies forming a Task Force that enforces new coffee and lunch break regulations. And on a softer, more humanitarian side, our staff counsellor, Andy Killinger, has helped people decide whether to study geology or engineering, how to cure a Stampede hangover, and helped a poor chap who was having troubles deciding how to propose to his girlfriend. Here at 2P News, we help because we care.

And now a word from the co-founders:

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Darcy Flowman, 2P News co-founder

“The genesis for 2P News came to me after I witnessed first-hand for years, meeting after meeting, how strange geologists were. I, being an engineer, would naturally make fun of them in my head to the point that I had no clue what the meetings were even about.

I started taking notes so that I could share the ridiculous stories with my engineering buddies, and then I thought to myself, hey, why not share these stories with the world.” – Darcy Flowman, 2P News


Antoine McGuilicuddy, Editor

So I caught wind of some engineer making fun of geologists on some website, and after telling him to get lost. I told him that together, we could get more people interested in the site if we also made fun of engineers, and that was something that I could do in spades (naturally, being a geologist and all).

I also got Darcy caught up on some sort of reverse affirmative action loophole angle, so he basically had no choice but to bring me on board.


The group at the 2P News team has grown significantly since its inception, bringing on the likes of Rodecker Smith, who handles our field reporting, Andy Killinger who runs the Dear Andy advice column, and the newly minted Yu Mii and Cynthia Redbush, who respectively handle our human resources and lifestyle departments.

In closing, we would appreciate greatly if you could take the quick 1-question survey below.  The results will help us better understand how we need to change to make things better for you, our loyal readers as we move into 2014.

Thanks from the entire team, happy holidays, and see you in the new year.
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